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New: Sermon Audio Player

Publishing makes it easy to bring your Sunday sermons directly into Church Center so your congregation can tune in live if they can't be present, or watch on-demand if they missed service.

But what if they want to catch up on the sermon while working the barbecue on a beautiful spring day or in the car on the way to work? Watching the video of last week's message isn't always the best experience — sometimes you just want the audio.

Starting today, you can add a URL to your AAC, M4A, or MP3 audio file directly into Publishing alongside your video as library content.


Your congregants will see both available options in Church Center, both on the web and in the app. Library episode pages have been updated to support video & audio. In the app, the audio player plays audio while your congregant navigates through the app as well as when the app is in the background.


For those of you looking to host your audio with Publishing directly, thatʻs in our plans!

If you have any questions as you’re getting set up with sermon audio, you can reach out to our support team from the ? in the top right corner. We’d love to help!


Happy creating,

🖤 Team Publishing/Church Center   

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