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Navigation Setup

You can add custom pages or URLs to the Church Center navigation to help people discover them! Organize your navigation so the pages are listed in the order you want them to appear on Church Center.

Where is the Church Center Navigation?

In Church Center web, the navigation between Church Center pages is located at the top of each page.


In the mobile app, the navigation is available at the bottom of each page.


Add a Navigation Item

Add a new page or URL to the navigation so it's visible on Church Center.

From the Navigation tab on the Customize page, select Add Nav Item.


Type the page name or paste the URL, and then select it from the dropdown.


In the Nav options panel, add the page information.

  1. Enter the page title that will show in the Church Center navigation.

  2. Select the dropdown to choose an icon for the page.

Select Save draft to apply your changes. When you're ready to publish the new Navigation, click Publish.


If you use a product other than Planning Center Giving for donations, add it as a navigation item with a URL to that giving platform.

Edit a Navigation Item

From the Navigation tab, select the item that you want to update.


Make any needed edits.

  1. Edit the page title that will appear in the Church Center navigation.

  2. Use the dropdown to change the icon.

Select Save draft to apply your changes. When you're ready to publish the new Navigation, click Publish.

Reorder Navigation

There is only room for four pages in the main Church Center navigation. Additional pages can be accessed by selecting More.


This is mirrored in Publishing. The first four items on the Navigation tab are visible in the main Church Center navigation, and the items under More will be available in the Church Center More menu.

You can drag and drop items to rearrange them.


Remove a Navigation Item

To remove an item from the navigation, hover over the item and click the trash can.


If you remove a page from the navigation, it will not be deleted; it will just be removed from the Church Center navigation.

Save Navigation

You can experiment with the navigation menu until you're ready to make it live on Church Center.

  1. If you don't want to use any of the changes you've made, you can Discard them.

  2. If you're not ready to save this navigation menu, save it as a draft and publish it when ready.


    Create a task with a due date to remind you--or someone else--to publish the navigation!

  3. If the navigation menu is ready for Church Center, select Save & Publish, and the changes will be live immediately.

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