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New: Grid Block

You asked for columns of content and we heard you loud and clear! Columns are now they’re available in your Publishing editor through our newest member of the block family: Grid Block!

Grid Block allows for up to three columns of content that can include a photo, title, description, link, and even a call-to-action button! Oooo… buttons!

CleanShot 2023-11-09 at 10.48.34@2x.png

If you decide you’d only like to have some variation of those options (between images, buttons, etc.), you can toggle those options on and off in the Grid Block Settings. 


Past that customization, you can even select a different configuration of columns for the desktop and mobile views of your page in the Grid Block settings. You can select "3 columns" for desktop (seen above) and then select "2 columns" for your mobile view. Then, the app will show this variation:


We look forward to seeing what you come up with using this new feature.

Happy adding all of your side-by-side-by-side content!


🖤 Team Publishing/Church Center

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