Create a sermon series to organize your episodes within a channel with a common theme. You can also convert an existing channel to a series.
The series you create will be available from the Sermons channel in Church Center.
Create a new series within a channel or from an episode.
If your series fits the theme or topic of an existing channel, create your series within that channel. From the Sermons page, select a channel.
Go to the Series tab and select Add series.
Add the series information.
Select artwork for the series. Upload images from your device, your saved library, or the Unsplash integration.
Use the Image Sizing Guide to upload the right size and file type.
Add/edit the title for the series.
Add a summary that describes the series.
The series episodes appear here once they've been added.
If you have multiple episodes with the same topic, create a series to organize the episodes. To create a series from an episode, go to the General tab in an episode and select Create series.
Fill in the series information and select Submit.
The series is created, and the episode is added.
You can now add additional episodes to the series.
If you have a channel you've already created that would work better as a series, you can convert that channel to a series.
When you convert a channel to a series, you must save the series within another existing channel. If necessary, create a new channel before you convert to a series, then save the new series to that channel.
From the Actions menu in the channel, select Convert to Series.
Choose the channel for the series and select Convert to series.
The channel will be deleted from Sermons, and a series will be created in your chosen channel.
Now, you can add additional episodes to the series!
To add an episode to an existing series, go to the General tab of an episode and select the Series dropdown.
Choose the series you want to add the episode to.
All the episodes you've added will be listed on the series page.