It's common for churches to give sermons on a topic or theme. Whether it's a book of the Bible or topical study, churches may spend weeks, months, or even years going through a series. Up until now, if you wanted to group your content in series in Publishing, your only option was using channels.
With the latest update, Publishing now has first-class support for sermon series!
When editing an episode, there's now a section for associating the episode with a series. Create the series right there or select an existing one.
Manage your series in the shiny new Series tab in your channel:
We've also updated the channel page on Church Center to show recent episodes as well as recent series.
Convert your channels to series
If channels have been doing the work of series, we've made it super easy to switch over. On the top right of your channel, check out the new Actions button and select the "Convert to Series" option.
Integration with Services
In the coming weeks, look for a new integration between Sermons and Services to make series and episode creation even easier!